


Posts by Rush ¬

Apr 15, 2023 The Catacombs of Carnal Corruption
Apr 15, 2023 NEXT>
Apr 16, 2023 Admire my dashing self in the nearest reflective surface to get my morale up for the impending journey ahead. (SenorScience)
May 2, 2023 I eat all my rations now. You cannot adventure on an empty stomach (Brian Liberge)
May 2, 2023 Oops. I’ve left my sword out of my grasp. Good thing hot tea is an effective weapon! (GIANTSBaNE 24)
May 2, 2023 Begin an ontological discourse on whether he is an elemental or a golem. (Gnome-oo)
May 2, 2023 NEXT>
May 2, 2023 NEXT>
May 2, 2023 Open your eyes
May 2, 2023 Check inventory (Spatchadoo)
May 2, 2023 Start pouring! If you fill the monster up enough with hot water from your tea pot, surely it couldn’t contain you. Wrap yourself in the blanket to avoid potential burning from the hot tea water. (John R)
May 2, 2023 NEXT>
May 2, 2023 NEXT>
May 2, 2023 NEXT>
May 2, 2023 NEXT>
May 2, 2023 NEXT>
May 2, 2023 NEXT>
May 2, 2023 Land on your feet in a dignified manner. A near-death experience is no excuse for poor etiquette. (Darren Forest)
May 2, 2023 Retrieve Arms! Take up the sword and prepare yourself! That rapscallion of a golem might still be up and about! (MamaGobbastoppa Ivy)
May 2, 2023 NEXT>
May 2, 2023 NEXT>
May 2, 2023 NEXT>
May 2, 2023 NEXT>
May 2, 2023 NEXT>
May 2, 2023 Affix RED ORB to your trusty sword to enchant it! (Ziggy Goat)
May 2, 2023 NEXT>
May 2, 2023 Make a steed of Clay and Gallantly Ride into the Catacombs! (OkCorral)
May 2, 2023 NEXT>
May 2, 2023 NEXT>
May 2, 2023 NEXT>
May 2, 2023 Dust off your boots and pay homage to your noble steed, taken from this world too soon. (Triss)
May 2, 2023 NEXT>
May 2, 2023 Better check yourself in the nearest reflective surface. All that mud could be detrimental to your dashing visage! We simply cannot have that! (Senorscience)
May 2, 2023 NEXT>
May 2, 2023 NEXT>
May 2, 2023 NEXT>
May 2, 2023 Return orb from whence it came. Robbery isn’t noble!(LookWhosFhtagn)
May 2, 2023 NEXT>
May 2, 2023 NEXT>
May 2, 2023 NEXT>
May 2, 2023 Open your eyes
May 2, 2023 Mirror. Confirm your dashing visage post-haste. D: (SenorScience)
May 2, 2023 NEXT>
May 2, 2023 NEXT>
May 2, 2023 NEXT>
May 2, 2023 NEXT>
May 2, 2023 NEXT>
May 2, 2023 NEXT>
May 2, 2023 NEXT>
May 2, 2023 NEXT>
May 2, 2023 You know, despite the initial panic, you think the mirror would fix them back up? (Geo)
May 2, 2023 NEXT>
May 2, 2023 NEXT>
May 2, 2023 NEXT>
May 2, 2023 NEXT>
May 2, 2023 NEXT>
May 2, 2023 NEXT>
May 5, 2023 NEXT>
May 5, 2023 NEXT>
May 5, 2023 NEXT>
May 5, 2023 NEXT>
May 5, 2023 NEXT>
May 5, 2023 NEXT>
May 9, 2023 Perform a quick self examination to clear up any confusion (Captan Coconut)
May 9, 2023 NEXT>
May 9, 2023 NEXT>
May 9, 2023 NEXT>
May 9, 2023 NEXT>
May 12, 2023 Check your feet, one must always ensure an adventurer has full mobility. Especially a cat adventurer. (Sofox)
May 12, 2023 NEXT>
May 12, 2023 NEXT>
May 26, 2023 NEXT>
May 26, 2023 NEXT>
May 31, 2023 Listen, this place clearly is intended to not let you leave the same person you were when you entered. Make sure to drink some tea before examining that cage. (Leia Gelwasser)
May 31, 2023 NEXT>
May 31, 2023 NEXT>
May 31, 2023 NEXT>
Jun 8, 2023 Sure to not have any ecological repercussions… why not have a sip from the fountain? It looks crystal clear. (A Sad Fat Dragon with No Friends)
Jun 8, 2023 NEXT>
Jun 8, 2023 NEXT>
Jun 8, 2023 NEXT>
Jun 13, 2023 See what you can do with your new power, to hash out what the blessing was specifically. (Geo)
Jun 13, 2023 NEXT>
Jun 13, 2023 NEXT>
Jul 27, 2023 Old Art – Haidalicia
Jul 27, 2023 Old Art – Haida’s Weird Morning
Jul 27, 2023 Old Art – Haida’s Makeover
Aug 2, 2023 Try and figure out what The Energy Glow is about. Run some tests! (Val Salia)
Aug 2, 2023 NEXT>
Aug 2, 2023 NEXT>
Aug 15, 2023 Ouch, that looked like it hurt. maybe take a few moments to catch your breath? check for any severe bruising or other injuries? (James M)
Aug 15, 2023 NEXT>
Aug 15, 2023 NEXT>
Sep 7, 2023 Check the birdcage. See if there’s perhaps a helpful songbird inside. (MaxFloof)
Sep 7, 2023 NEXT>
Oct 4, 2023 There is certainly SOMETHING that would fit in the indentatioins of the bound statue. You could probably squeeze through, sleek and slender- i mean uh lithe and slim figured as you are. (A Sad Fat Dragon with No Friends)
Oct 4, 2023 NEXT>
Oct 24, 2023 Stepbrother I’m stuck! (LookWhosFhtagn)
Oct 24, 2023 NEXT>
Oct 24, 2023 NEXT>
Oct 26, 2023 This is wonderful news! Talk to him in your most manly of voices to ask why he’s here! (Dazleigh)